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Our Mission

From Digital Chaos, to Analog Focus

It is our mission to redefine the norm by transforming digital chaos into analog harmony. With our visionary approach to digital transformation, we strive for a world of efficiency, well-being, and enhanced human connection, unlocking the power of individuals. In an age of information overload where information consumes our attention, mastering the skill of attention management is crucial. Particularly, knowing how to resist the constant barrage of notifications and stimuli from our smartphones is essential. As we continue to upgrade our smartphones, we believe in the importance of upgrading ourselves as humans, strengthening our own capabilities, and reclaiming control over our attention.

Our Story

We are dedicated to promoting human well-being by offering practical solutions that empower individuals to thrive in both personal and professional settings. Our mission revolves around mitigating smartphone addiction and envisioning a world where individuals can resist the lure of constant digital stimulation. Through raising awareness, providing education, and implementing innovative strategies, we strive to empower individuals to regain control over their screen time. Together, let's embrace balance and unlock the true potential of our lives. Join us in making a positive impact!

The Smartsapiens Team

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Iron Jordan


Passionate about human well-being, I strive to integrate my corporate background with entrepreneurial acumen to develop practical solutions that promote success within organisations. I aspire to mitigate smartphone addiction and envision a world where individuals can resist the smartphone craving. Let's embrace balance and unlock the true potential of our lives. Together, we can make a positive impact!

Jen Harris


As a passionate and professional trainer, I provide workshops and assist with many health checks.

Alia Khan


Specialised in change management and many years of experience in guiding companies through cultural changes. The theme of smartphone addiction is close to my heart and I like to help companies realize their vision.

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